Marine salt pans look barren but there is life there when
you look closely. The first surprise was that the salt pan was home to lots of wolf spiders. They are the
same colour as the ground and do not cast a shadow so it is hard to see them
fleeing when our footsteps shake the ground.
Most of them are hiding in the cracks between the tessellating plates of
parched earth. Flies feed on the saline algal
residues and I saw a spider leap several body lengths to land on a fly that was
coming in to land. However the spiders
live in fear of the black wasps that hunt them both on the surface and through
the cracked ground.
A wolf spider (click to enlarge) |
Whilst I was watching, a spider sensed that a wasp was
looking a nearby flake of ground and abandoned its shelter to run for it across
the open flats. The wasp could smell the
spider and was tracking it down. On
finding the spider’s trail the wasp would reach a frenetic pace with madly
waving antennae. The wasp was closing in
on the spider and was within centimetres when it lost the trail and moved
away. Perhaps the trail rapidly becomes
feint in the hot sun. However the spider
could not move when the wasp is in sight.
As the wasp moved off, I could see other spiders rising to the surface
to survey the surrounds, initially mistaking the wasp for a fly before beating
a rapid retreat. I did not see the wasp
find a victim and do not know where the paralysed but living victims end up,
but they are probably carried by the wasp for at least 100 m to a sandy terrestrial area
where they are buried in a tunnel to be slowly consumed by the growing wasp
Wasp hunting wolf spiders |
Wolf spider hiding in the crack (centre of photo) |
Salt pans are flooded by tides at least every
month and the parched ground collapses into soft mud without any cracks. Where do the spiders go then? Spiders can move over water quite easily and
they might retreat to the patches of succulent vegetation. The other possibility is that they hide in
the ground. On opening one of raised
pimples that dot the saltpan, I found a spider inside together with a moulted
skin. The spider had been there for a
while. Perhaps it had even been trapped
there, feeding on the tiny creatures that abundantly burrow through the mud. This would be the spider equivalent of the
frogs in stone phenomenon.
Small raised bumps cover much of the salt pan |
On gently opening a bump to see what was inside, I found a spider and its old skin |
The open salt pan seems to be habitat for spiders and insects
rather than marine creatures like crabs.
Air breathing arthropods can better tolerate the harsh swings from wet
to dry and from nearly freshwater after rain to hyper-saline when tides retreat
and salt is concentrated by evaporation. Many of the species present are not confined to salt pans and the spiders and wasps in particular are common in nearby vegetated sand dunes.
Flies (centre) and other insects feed on the mud and algae |
The mud surface covered with tiny burrows and mounds of excavated material |
Where salt pans are different is that they have a wet surface or shallow pools of water that are exposed to the full sun and grow a mat of algae. This algal mat can support a vast population of insects. There are myriads of tiny critters that live in tubes or burrow in the mud and which feed on the algae. Unfortunately, mosquito larvae are one of the insects that can
thrive in these pools, so an understanding of the ecology of this zone is very
important. Ruts from motor vehicles driven over salt pans increase mosquito breeding potential exponentially as undisturbed salt pans usually
drain and dry too quickly for mosquitoes to breed.
A wild pig foot print allows a colony of crabs to develop |
Larger fauna can be found around the margins on the salt pan. Mud crab burrows were quite common and most
were surrounded by a small patch of mangroves.
It appears that the mangroves depend on the mud crab somehow. I suspect that the crab hole helps to
moderate the salinity by providing better drainage for a metre or so around the
mouth of the burrow. The mangroves
persist for a while after the crab disappears but life for a mangrove in a salt
pan is uncertain and without the crab hole, the trees probably perish after a
Mud crab hole in a salt pan |
Hiding under the mangroves around the edges of the salt pan
are huge numbers of mud creepers and these a possibly the main prey of mud
crabs. Mud crabs also graze on
vegetation and I wonder if they feed on the algal mat as well as molluscs.
Mud creepers (mainly Telescopium telescopium) sheltering under a small mangrove |
A Telescopium shell, possibly after being predated by a mud crab |
The empty salt pan competes for space with great patches of
succulent vegetation. In the dry season
this vegetation is like a psychedelic shag pile carpet with green, pink and
purple mottles. This part of the
ecosystem supports large numbers of crabs and small air breathing molluscs. The succulents appear to prefer the better
drained areas.
A carpet of samphire vegetation on a salt pan near Port Douglas |
In close-up, samphire vegetation looks like an alien forest |
I suspect that the areas I have written about in this post are the areas that are shallow, brackish water ecosystems in the wet season with succulents occupying slightly raised areas which have better drainage. Both are wetland ecosystems that are watered by tides and during the rainy season, by a film of freshwater due to water being shed from the flat landscape no faster than the water is replenished from the sky and by seepage from nearby land.
The salt pan lies between patches of samphire vegetation |
The ecotone between salt pan and samphire has a parchment like algal crust |
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